Pre FBA service for Amazon®

Amazon is one of the most important and largest sales platforms on the Internet for online retailers. Many buyers search for the desired product on Amazon first.

You can register with Amazon Seller Central and sell your products online. Here you will find an overview of the first steps to selling on Amazon ➚.

Amazon offers its own fulfillment service with warehousing, which sellers can use. However, external 3 PL fulfillment service providers and their pre FBA service are increasingly being used as third-party providers.

If an Amazon seller uses the pre FBA service of a third-party provider, the entire goods are stored in an external warehouse and only partial quantities are sent to the respective Amazon warehouse as required. The advantage for the retailer is often lower storage costs and fulfillment fees, as well as a better inventory index (LBI) on Amazon.

At Subke Amazon Seller, we offer a pre FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) service with goods receiving and container unloading. We ship the goods from our fulfillment center directly to the Amazon warehouse as required.

We offer you the Vendor Program, shipping to end customers via FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant) and, by arrangement, Prime shipping.

If you use Amazon’s PAN-EU program, we can offer warehouses in various EU countries for your remissions. We collect your products there and then bring them back to Germany at low cost. We can also refurbish your goods in our Fulfillment Center.

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0 TSD.
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0 Mrd.
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Pre FBA Service


What is pre FBA?As a commercial online retailer, you can choose between FBA or the FBM program at Amazon.

With the FBA program, you send your goods directly to Amazon. Amazon stores, packs and ships the goods for you. Of course, Amazon also charges monthly fees for fulfillment.

Amazon fees Europe➚ – As of March 31, 2022
FBAfee calculator➚

Combine FBA with Subke Fulfillment

Use our Pre FBA service and store the majority of your goods with us and benefit from lower storage fees. We will then send the desired quantity to Amazon as required.

Posting conditions atAmazon®
Everything except parcels must be palletized!

In order to send products to Amazon, many points must be observed. Some of our employees have worked at Amazon and have a lot of experience. We are happy to do the work for you and prepare your goods according to Amazon’s requirements. Below you will find an overview of the delivery conditions at Amazon.

Requirements for cartons

Requirements for pallets

Info: Observe the post-contractual information obligations towards the consumer. Amazon sends its own withdrawal policy. Therefore, you may not provide your own revocation instructions. You must limit the post-contractual information obligations to your GTC.

Info: This quick guide gives you a quick overview of how to send a parcel or pallet to Amazon from Seller Central. Read the quick guide➚ (PDF)

PAN EU bei Amazon


What is PAN-EU?

As an FBA seller, you can expand your sales throughout Europe with Amazon’s PAN-EU program. The program costs nothing extra and promises an enormous increase in sales. You only need to activate PAN-EU in your Seller Central account.

Info: If the PAN-EU program is too much work for you, you can use an external service provider. These take over many tasks, such as invoicing, VAT registration, tax processing and requirements that must be met with the PAN-EU program.

Amazon® Remission

Worldwide warehouse network
Fulfillment und Logistik vor Hamburg

Fulfillment in central Portugal from an experienced online retailer.

Experienced logistics company based in Marbella, southern Spain.

The camp is located in the southwest of France.

For return addresses from the Netherlands from an experienced partner.

Our fulfillment warehouse directly outside Hamburg.

Experienced logistician in Warsaw.

A logistics company in Milan with many years of experience.

Return address in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.

Logistics on the west coast near Perth.

Experienced logistics specialist in central Mexico.

2 sender addresses are available in the USA.
One in New Jersey and one in Florida.

Warehouse based near London.
An experienced logistics and shipping company based in Toronto.

What are Amazon Remissions?

If you participate in the PAN EU program, your goods will be optimally distributed to Amazon’s warehouses in the respective countries.

If your goods are not sold or you receive returns, you must have the goods collected in the country.

We offer warehousing in many EU countries through our partner network of EZI Returns. Your goods can be stored there and transported back to Germany together.

Info: If you sell throughout Europe or worldwide, you must collect unsold goods from the Amazon warehouse in the respective country or have them sent back to your home country at great expense. Use our partner network of EZI Returns to manage your Amazon returns at low cost.

EZI Returns Logo
FBM by Amazon


What isFBM?

Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) means fulfillment by merchants. If you opt for the FBM program as a commercial online retailer, you sell your products on Amazon Marketplace, but take care of storage, order picking and shipping in accordance with Amazon’s requirements.

As a start-up at Amazon, you will first start with the FBM program.

FBA requires authorization, because Amazon first wants to see how many products you sell per month.

You can handle fulfillment yourself or hand it over to a fulfillment service provider like us.

We receive the orders from Amazon directly via our fulfillment software and handle the entire fulfillment process for you in accordance with Amazon’s requirements.

Info: In contrast to FBA, with FBM you have to send your own terms and conditions and cancellation policy to the end customer. You can enclose this as an attachment to the shipment after ordering or send it by e-mail in Seller Central.

Info: You can also combine FBA and FBM. You can sell some of your goods via FBA and some via FBM. Products that sell quickly and have a high margin are well suited for FBA. However, products that are fragile or have to be picked with several parts are well suited to FBM.

Amazon Prime durch Verkäufer

Prime by seller

Are you an Amazon Prime seller and would like to ship your goods from a central warehouse rather than from Amazon?

We offer “Prime by seller” as a fulfiller.

Our locations outside Hamburg are ideally situated. We set up the process together with you and deliver the goods to your Prime customers for you. We will accept the returns for you again.

Requirements for Prime

Vendor Central bei Amazon

Vendor Central

What is the vendor program?

With the Vendor Program you become a supplier to Amazon. Amazon sells your products under its brand.

Are you a first-party seller on Amazon and participating in the Vendor Program? Then we can take care of the complete storage, goods preparation and delivery to Amazon for you.

As an Amazon supplier, you will deliver large quantities. We can provide an interim storage solution or take over part of the delivery.

We already take over the submission to the vendor program for existing customers. You benefit from our experience and the good infrastructure of our warehouses.

Our warehouses are located just outside Hamburg. This means your containers are handled quickly and you don’t lose another day.


PRE FBA warehouse

What advantages do I get with an FBA warehouse?

You can temporarily store your goods in our warehouse directly outside Hamburg. We deliver only the desired quantity to an Amazon Fulfillment Center. You pay up to 50 % less storage costs with us.

You also improve your inventory index (LBI) on Amazon when the storage time of your products decreases. A great advantage for seasonal products or when the sell-through rate is not so high.

You can also use our warehouse space for FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant). Orders are automatically retrieved, picked and dispatched to the customer via our interface to Amazon.

We take care of container unloading, goods preparation, palletizing and storage of the pallets in our high-bay warehouse.

Our fulfillment warehouses are located near the following Amazon warehouses:

  • Amazon DHH1, Peutestraße 32, 20539 Hamburg,
  • Amazon Logistik Winsen GmbH, Borgwardstrasse 10,
    21423 Winsen an der Luhe,
  • Geodis Logistics Deutschland GmbH Niederlassung Hamburg, Bei der Lehmkuhle 2, 21629 Neu Wulmstorf-Mienenbuettel.

FAQ Fulfillment Kosten

  • Was bedeutet pre FBA?

    FBA ist im E-Commerce die Abkürzung für „Fulfillment by Amazon“. Pre FBA ist die Warenvorbereitung nach den jeweiligen Anforderungen vor dem Versand an Amazon.

  • Welche pre FBA Dienstleistung bietet Subke an?

    Wir bieten Ihnen recht viele Amazon Dienstleitungen an. Dazu gehören pre FBA, FBM, PAN-EU und das Vendor Programm.

  • Bietet Subke für Amazon ein Zwischenlager an?

    Ja, wir nehmen Waren zur Lagerung an, kommissionieren, übernehmen die für Amazon fachgerechte Warenvorbereitung und versenden diese an das Amazon Warenlager.

  • Wie wird die Ware an Amazon versendet?

    Der beste Weg ist, Sie wählen auf Amazon im Seller Central das Transport­partnerprogramm und füllen dort das Registrierungs­formular aus. Sie erstellen die Versandetiketten und übermitteln uns diese. Der Versanddienstleister holt dann die Ware direkt bei uns im Lager ab und transportiert diese an Amazon.

  • Was bedeutet FBA Qualifikation für Händler?

    Wenn Sie als Händler erfolgreich ein Konto für den Verkauf bei Amazon erstellt haben, die Produktbeschränkungen und Lagerbestands­anforderungen einhalten, können Sie den Versand von Amazon nutzen.

  • Was heißt Remission?

    Remission bedeutet im PAN-EU Fulfillment, wenn auf Amazon die Ware im jeweiligen Land nicht verkauft werden kann, wird die Ware von Amazon im Land ausgelagert. Sie müssen dann als Händler Ihre Ware vom Amazon Lager aus dem jeweiligen Land abholen.

  • Was bedeutet PAN EU?

    PAN EU bedeutet der Verkauf und Versand durch Amazon. Dadurch können Amazon Seller Ihre Ware auf dem gesamten europäischen Markt verkaufen. Amazon verteilt mit einem Algorithmus die Waren automatisch auf die Lager der jeweiligen Länder.

  • Bietet Subke Second-Day Delivery über Amazon an?

    Ja, für Bestelleingänge bis 14:00 Uhr können wir nach Absprache in unserem Fulfillment am selben Tag die Etiketten ausdrucken und spätestens am nächsten Tag versenden.

  • Kann ich Prime by Merchant anbieten?

    Ja, aber nur nach Absprache können wir Bestelleingänge bis 14:00 Uhr in unserem Fulfillment Center am selben Tag bearbeiten. 

  • Wie kommt die Ware aus dem Hamburger Hafen ins Lager?

    Nach der Einfuhr ins Land übernimmt in der Regel eine Spedition die Anlieferung in unser Lager. Wir können aber auch unsere Spedition mit der Abholung beauftragen.

  • Verfügt Subke über Erfahrungen für pre FBA?

    Ja, der Inhaber Harald Subke hat über 15 Jahre selbst Erfahrungen als Onlinehändler auf Amazon gesammelt. Außerdem arbeiten im Team ehemalige Amazon Mitarbeiter, die die Prozesse und Anforderungen von Amazon sehr gut kennen.

  • Was ist der Lagerbestandsindex - LBI auf Amazon?

    Die Leistungskennzahl LBI gibt Ihre Lagerbestandshaltung im FBA Programm auf Amazon wieder. Der Index liegt zwischen 0 und 1000. Haben Sie einen zu schlechten Wert, kann es sein, dass Amazon neue Einsendungen der Ware aussetzt.

  • Wie kann ich den Lagerbestandsindex - LBI verbessern?

    Vermeiden Sie es zu viele Lagerbestände ohne aktive Angebote zu führen. Saisonale Waren sollten nicht das ganze Jahr über bei Amazon gelagert werden. Achten Sie auf Ihre Verkaufsrate und nutzen Sie das Amazon Lager hauptsächlich für Ihre High Performance Produkte. Für alle anderen Produkte können Sie unser pre FBA Lager nutzen und Ihren LBI Wert damit deutlich verbessern.

  • Was ist ein pre FBA Label?

    Ein Pre-FBA-Label (Fulfillment by Amazon) ist ein Etikett, das ein Verkäufer anbringt, bevor er seine Produkte an ein Amazon-Logistikzentrum sendet.

    Es enthält Informationen, die Amazon benötigt, um das Produkt ordnungsgemäß im Lager zu empfangen, zu identifizieren und zu verwalten.

    Diese pre FBA Labels beinhalten in der Regel folgende Elemente:

    1. FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit): Ein eindeutiger Code, der Amazon hilft, das spezifische Produkt eines Verkäufers zu identifizieren.
    2. Strichcode (Barcode): Ein maschinenlesbarer Code, der die manuelle Eingabe von Produktinformationen vermeidet und sicherstellt, dass Amazon die Produkte effizient verarbeiten kann.
    3. Produktinformationen: Neben dem FNSKU-Code können zusätzliche Informationen wie Produktname oder Lagerort enthalten sein.
  • Was bedeutet UPC im E-Commerce?

    Im E-Commerce steht UPC für Universal Product Code. Es ist ein 12-stelliger Strichcode, der weltweit verwendet wird, um Produkte eindeutig zu identifizieren.

    Plattformen wie Amazon und eBay verlangen oft einen UPC, um sicherzustellen, dass Produkte richtig kategorisiert und von anderen unterschieden werden.